Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A newly found happiness

It's a Saturday, it's bright enough to disturb my not-so-deep slumber, I struggle to see the time in the clock, it's only 7:30 am. I curse the sunlight and cover my head with the blanket. I close my eyes and try to sleep - and it suddenly strikes me, 7:30 in the morning is time to see her. I throw off the blanket, get off my bed, brush my teeth hastily and rush out of the room. I look around for her, mom's in the kitchen, dad's reading his morning news on the table, there's no body else. 'A few more minutes' I tell myself and walk up to the table. I pick up Mumbai Mirror and start solving Sudoku.

I am totally engrossed in  getting the numbers in position, when I hear the door open. I look up, my excitement reaches its peak, can't wait any longer, it takes almost 2 seconds and then she appears. The most beautiful face I've every seen, the person I've fallen in love with over the past 45 days, the most amazing little dollop, my baby, my niece - greets me with a smile so refreshing, so heart warming, sleep was completely forgotten and all pain washed away.

Oh Lara! Aren't you the best thing that happened to me?

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Iskeliye bolta hoon, shaadi jaldi mat kar. shaadi ke baad khaana nahin milta

Welcome 2012

It's been long overdue.. i owe it to myself and to AaaDee(the only one who follows/ed my blogs). A call to her too is long pending.
Resolution 1: get back in touch (Well, i am old & wise (if i may say so) enough to know that I cannot keep any resolutions, so I'll refrain from using that word henceforth.)

Just a quick recap of my life last year:
- Visited 3 beautiful countries - Spain, US and New Zealand
- Finished 4th level Spanish
- Still learning Bharatnatyam (on and off at least) - gave my first ever Bharatnatyam performance at Shanmukhanada hall
- I was single the first quarter, committed in the second, engaged in the third and married by the fourth quart.. :)

All are personal achievements (I don't know if I can all the last one an achievement yet..), professionally - nothing worth mentioning. I might as well give up fooling myself.

Motivation to work - all time low
Spirits - all time high :) I think I know now what it is to be "high on life"!

2012 will be interesting, it started off well, I hope it ends well too and not end with the world (as is predicted)
We'll wait and watch....