Thursday, January 19, 2012

Welcome 2012

It's been long overdue.. i owe it to myself and to AaaDee(the only one who follows/ed my blogs). A call to her too is long pending.
Resolution 1: get back in touch (Well, i am old & wise (if i may say so) enough to know that I cannot keep any resolutions, so I'll refrain from using that word henceforth.)

Just a quick recap of my life last year:
- Visited 3 beautiful countries - Spain, US and New Zealand
- Finished 4th level Spanish
- Still learning Bharatnatyam (on and off at least) - gave my first ever Bharatnatyam performance at Shanmukhanada hall
- I was single the first quarter, committed in the second, engaged in the third and married by the fourth quart.. :)

All are personal achievements (I don't know if I can all the last one an achievement yet..), professionally - nothing worth mentioning. I might as well give up fooling myself.

Motivation to work - all time low
Spirits - all time high :) I think I know now what it is to be "high on life"!

2012 will be interesting, it started off well, I hope it ends well too and not end with the world (as is predicted)
We'll wait and watch....

1 comment:

  1. Quite a year for you 2011! You forgot ur braces...u r done with them. And u also forgot ur photography course!
    welcome 2012...& cheers to being high on life :)
    I hope u achieve much more this year & through ur life moti!
